En el XIII Congreso Internacional Ciudades y Transporte, organizado por WRI México, expertos y tomadores de decisiones se reunieron para hablar precisamente de la movilidad en las ciudades, y uno de los grandes temas fue la electromovilidad; algo que ya se comienza a diseñar para la Ciudad de México.
Cities across Africa are collaborating to develop and implement ways to reduce their vulnerability to environmental disasters and to adapt to climate change. In Accra, city officials from nine African cities, including Accra, Addis Ababa, Cape Town, Dakar, Durban, Johannesburg, Lagos, Nairobi, and Tshwane, attended the C40 African Adaptation Forum, the first-ever regional workshop in Africa organised by the C40 Cities Climate Leadership Group.
Bogotá has long been a world leader on cycling. A workshop in October discussed ways to plan and finance sustainable mobility projects, particularly in relation to their Quinto Centenario Project.
Mexico City is a pioneer in the delivery of sustainable mobility, and hosted a workshop in October aimed at assisting parties at the national, state, and municipal level in Mexico to be able to follow.